Monday, October 21, 2013

Are You Ready for Draw-A-Thon?

It's up, people! Sign up for 18 hours of art awesomeness. Live music, free
food, and of course your selection of any medium you want to work in.*

Draw-A-Thon Charity will start November 8 at 6:00 PM and end November 9 at
12:00PM at Under The Couch (Student Center).

So what are you waiting for?

*Sign up quickly and declare the mediums you want. You are not guaranteed your
medium will be available but the earlier you sign up the more likely you are
to get it.

Don't know what Draw-A-Thon is? Well...

Draw-A-Thon is a continuous 18 hour charity event. Artists make art with the
materials provided, which will be ordered to the demand of artist sign-ups.
During this time the event is broadcasted live over the internet and for the
general audience to view. Audience that would like to contribute to the cause
can donate money and/or buy works created in Draw-A-Thon through e-Bay

Draw-A-Thon Charity will start November 8 at 6:00 PM and end November 9 at
12:00PM at Under The Couch (Student Center).

The charity that Gourd Visual Artists will be helping is Child's Play
( This charity will help us by promoting
our event on the internet as an official event of Child’s Play as well as
facilitate the donation process and make most if not all proceeds go directly
to charity.

Since we will be having the help Child’s Play, this year’s theme will be video
games and its pop-culture. All mediums are welcome and provided. Oh! Did I
forget to mention free food?

For more information, visit our site at

We cool? Sign up and feel free to send me any questions! Remember, the world
ends with you.

-Francisco Martin (AKA El Presidente)

Friday, August 23, 2013

And the Fall is here!


First of all, to all the Freshman, welcome! To everyone else welcome back!
Let me start by apologizing for the lack of communication. Being under the
CoC, we do not have a meeting the first week of class. As president I should
have made this clear, but alas did not. Now that I have strike, I'll make sure
that it doesn't happen again.

So enough with the mopey-dopey. Time for the good stuff! Welcome GOURD Art,
the one and only visual arts club at Tech. We will be having our first

It will be the official opening for the 4th Generation of Gourd Art. We will
be presenting what's in store for the rest of the year and socializing. As
always there will be food!

So see you then! Once again, sorry!

-Francisco Martin

TL;DR: Come to GourdArt next Friday from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM.

Monday, July 8, 2013

FASET #1: Success!

Wow!! To be honest we didn't expect this many people to stop by our table we got over a dozen people sign up at our wonderful table:

Anyways a bit beat from this weekend, to all our new freshman friends, welcome! We look forward to meeting y'all real soon.

I'm trying to thing of a signature to leave with but for now I'll stick to this: Francisco Out!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Hey Gourdians! And soon to be Gourdians!

Last week was the first of many FASET's to come. It was loads of fun to meet all the prospective Artists coming to our club. I mean where else can you find a paper craft of Lapras on campus?

Anyways, we hope to see many more of you these coming FASETs!

FYI, we have a new member sign up so that you get all good word via e-mail, so sign up here.

Well that's everything, Francisco out.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Only ONE draw-a-thon a year?

Probably not! We were thinking about how often we should have Gourd's draw-a-thons (that's when we spend a night drawing and painting and sketching and spraying...with loads of food and of course, ice cream!) We had one last semester (Spring 2013), and there's a stop-motion video of that too!

So, as I said, we were thinking about how often we should have our draw-a-thons. Somebody said it had been a yearly thing. Here's Tan expressing his surprise on this:

Tan Zu Puayen, suggesting a draw-a-thon every semester instead!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

FASET Planning!

FASET is around the corner! We are planning to make very large stencils for spray-on chalking, to decorate the path in front of Gourd table during FASET. If you are willing to contribute by providing ideas or even making vector files for the stencils, please respond in comments below.
The point is to grab attention so have fun! Also, we might need help manning the table so please comment if you are willing this summer.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Last Meeting

Tomorrow is our last meeting for the year, so we'll be having a club picnic to celebrate the end of the semester :)

***We will be meeting in a different location!
Large stairs/seating area in the CULC
4:00pm - 6:00pm

If you have prepared a drawing for the CoC Burdell video then bring it to our meeting! Also feel free to bring in any snack foods or drinks you want to share for the picnic, otherwise we will still provide sandwiches. If weather allows we will remain outside and chalk up the sidewalks!

Most importantly, we will be hosting our officer nominations tomorrow during the meeting for next year's president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and web/media master. If you want to nominate yourself or another member please be present at the meeting! Also be prepared to give a sentence or two about why you are interested in a position, and what you would bring to the plate in that role. You, the members, will decide who you want to be leading the club next year!!

If we are still holding onto your sculpture, then we will make a trip to the CoC to pick them up at the end of the meeting. Otherwise they are available to pick up in the cabinet in room 104B of the CoC.

Thank you guys for a great semester, and I hope to see you tomorrow!